We create our organizational culture based on common values that take the rights and expectations of all groups of Stakeholders into account.
We act in accordance with the applicable law and internal procedures. We respect the views of our Employees and provide them with equal opportunities and equal treatment.
The values with which we identify are built on the foundation of respect and mutual trust. We strive to create clear and transparent rules of cooperation and a favourable atmosphere for all associates. We do not differentiate them on the basis of sex, race, nationality, disability, age, sexual identity, trade union membership, ethnic or social origin, religion or political beliefs.
In everyday work, we follow ethical principles based on 4 values that have the following meaning:
- Policy of Counteracting Mobbing and Discrimination and Other Unacceptable Behaviour - indicates unacceptable behaviour and ways of submitting information in case of reporting an incident. Specifies preventive actions and obligations of the employer and Employees in this area;
- The Enea Group's Code of Ethics - presents principles of conduct, based on equal treatment and respect for personal dignity. It introduces standards of behaviour towards Clients, business partners, shareholders, local communities and co-workers.