Jan 2018

Enea Operator has signed agreements for EU co-financing of investments in Greater Poland amounting to almost PLN 27 million.

Enea has prepared an offer "Enea Eco" supporting the fight against smog, based on a new night tariff, encouraging the use of ecological electric heating and electric cars.

Enea Operator has developed a power station in Kostrzyn by the Odra river, which is strategic for the development of the Kostrzyn-Słubice Special Economic Zone (KSSE). The investment was a response to the dynamic economic development of the cross-border zone, resulting from the need to connect new entities to the network and from the demand for an increase in power for several years.

The winners of the educational program "Enea Talent Academy" have been selected. 22 scholarships went to talented students. 9 grants have received by schools for the implementation of proprietary educational projects supporting the development of young talents.

Enea became the titular sponsor of the Stelmet Enea BC Zielona Góra basketball club.

Enea received the Golden Laurel of "Patron of Bydgoski Sport".

Enea extended the cooperation with the volleyball club Enea PTPS Piła.

Once again, Enea became the titular sponsor of the Astoria Bydgoszcz basketball team.

Enea was a partner of the POWERPOL Polish National Power and Heating Congress.

Enea received the jubilee title of "Those who change Polish industry" during the Forum. We are changing Polish Industry, one of the most important cyclical debates on the state, changes and prospects for the development of the Polish economy.
Feb 2018

Enea Ciepło has successfully passed the certification process as part of the System Heat Promotion Program, initiated by the Chamber of Commerce for Polish Heat Engineering. As a result, it received the "NO SMOG" series quality mark, being in the group of companies producing ecological heat.

During the 60th Great Sportsman Ball in Poznań, Enea was awarded the title of "Sport Patron of 2017".

Enea Operator initiated the eighth edition of the educational project "Safe Preschooler Academy".
Mar 2018

Enea expanded the "Enea Smart" product line with a heating package, allowing for temperature management in selected rooms of a flat or house, achieving measurable savings due to reduced heating costs.

The Enea Group celebrated the first anniversary of the inclusion of the Połaniec Power Plant into our Group. The purchase from the French Engie concern of the largest power plant in the south-eastern part of the country increased the production potential of the Enea Group, including green energy produced from one of the world's largest biomass units.

Enea Elektrownia Połaniec was the laureate of "Staszowska Stambułki", as the company with the greatest influence on the economic development of the region in which it operates.

Enea Operator developed the technology of working in electrified zones, sharing its many years of experience. Thanks to the modern training system, located under the roof, practical classes may be performed even in adverse weather conditions.

Enea Wytwarzanie was a partner of the 4th Technical Conference "Maintenance of the Movement - diagnostics, repairs, modernization".

Enea Group Employees talked about energy production technology and the specificity of alternative fuels during the VII Biomass and Waste Incineration Forum in Warsaw, whose strategic partner was Enea.

Enea Operator and Enea Serwis organized a Scientific and Technical Conference in which professionals - power industry, designing, building and operating a distribution network all took part.

In the Enea Group the "We have energy in blood" program was launched, the aim of which is to encourage all Employees to honour blood donation.

The Enea Foundation obtained the status of a Public Benefit Organization.

Enea became a patron of the Pomeranian Philharmonic Society of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Bydgoszcz. The patronage was symbolically inaugurated by a performance of the concert "Blue Rhapsody" under the baton of Jerzy Maksymiuk.

Enea took patronage of the Polish Theatre in Szczecin. This is another cultural institution that is supported by Enea.
Apr 2018

The Enea Foundation was the winner of the "Energy World Leaders" competition in the "Corporate Social Responsibility" category. The award was granted for the help provided by the Enea Foundation to the communities affected by the storm in 2017.

The Enea Group received the "Amber of Polish Energy 2018" award for its effective and consistent support for the development of the Polish power industry, by commissioning the most modern conventional generation unit in Poland - the B11 power unit with a capacity of 1075 MW in the Kozienice Power Plant.

Enea received a distinction in the ranking of Parkiet daily for "Transparent Company of the Year 2017".

Enea Operator has become the strategic patron of EXPOPOWER. We showed a new face of the energy fairs, friendly not only to professionals, but also to youthful thinking about working in the industry.

Enea once again became the titular sponsor of Enter Enea Festival, during which you could listen to, among others jazz classics, balalaika concert, string trio and psalms.

Enea once again sponsored the Enea Spring Break festival.

Enea Serwis was among the companies that on 20 April 2018 signed agreements regarding joint activities for the development of electromobility, whose signatories were also as follows: Kolejowe Zakłady Łączności, Grupa LOTOS, Poczta Polska and Telewizja Polska.

As many as 21 good practices of our Group were included in the subsequent edition of the Responsible Business Forum Report (FOB) "Responsible business in Poland. Good practices".

The Enea Foundation has started the implementation of the first edition of the "Enea for generations. Together about security". This activity was designed for senior citizens who during the workshops organized for them talked about security in a broad sense.

Through the Enea Connection Portal, the Operator introduced the possibility of submitting electronic applications, among others for connecting the object to the network or for increasing the power, separating or merging the installation for existing facilities.

Enea received the "Laurel of Organic Work 2018" in the "Partnership formula for building the economy" category. This is a distinction awarded by the Greater Poland Union for its active contribution to the social, economic and cultural development of Greater Poland.
May 2018

The winners of our competition "Energy Market Modelling" were selected. The winners of the competition were students of the University of Economics in Poznan who will go to a training course organized at Stanford University in the United States. The initiators of the competition were Enea Trading.

Enea became a partner of the next edition of the "Energy Academy", whose aim is to exchange knowledge between practitioners from the energy industry and students.

As part of the "Enea Sport Academy" project, the volleyball final tournament "Enea Mini Cup" 2018.

The Enea Group became a partner and its representatives took part in the 10th European Economic Congress.

The cooperation project of our Group companies with industry and technical schools was inaugurated. The first of a series of patron contracts was signed with the School Complex of the Partisan Regiment of the National Army - "Jędrusie" in Połaniec.

The Enea Group has been awarded the "CSR Silver Leaf" by Tygodnik Polityka.

Enea Oświetlenie organized for the seventh time, in Kołobrzeg, the trade fair entitled "More Light".
Jun 2018

Together with Poznań's Higher School of Social Skills, Enea created a historic mural on the wall of the tenement house at Dąbrowski street 33 in Poznań, for the 100th anniversary of regaining independence.

Together with the Caritas branch in Poznań, the Enea Foundation launched the second edition of the project "Good energy across borders", which enabled children and teachers from Lithuania to participate in the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence.

As part of the project "Good energy across borders" a patriotic concert entitled "Poland! The white and reds beyond borders" was organized with the participation of Vilnius youth and high school students from Greater Poland.

Enea supported the organization of the Il Divo concert on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the establishment of the Poznań diocese.

In the Enea Group, the 50th anniversary of the commencement of the construction of the Kozienice Power Plant was celebrated.

Enea supported the implementation of the historical spectacle "Eagle and the Cross - Independent." The outdoor performance which was played in by hundreds of actors, told about over a thousand years of Polish history.

Enea signed a letter of intent concerning multilateral cooperation for the development of electromobility in Poland.

Enea Operator established cooperation with the University of Zielona Góra in the scope of implementation of analytical and advisory work related to the security and reliability of the distribution network operation.

Enea Serwis has built a photovoltaic power plant with an estimated power of 420 kW in Szczecin together with power connections.
Jul 2018

Enea signed a contract for the construction of 1,000 MWe Ostrołęka Power Plant. A modern, low-emission energy block will have a significant impact on Poland's energy security.

Enea Operator has completed the reconstruction of over 110 km of high voltage power lines and modernized the Szczecin GPZ (Main Power Point).

Enea Operator has signed a contract with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to co-finance the project, which is to reduce losses in medium voltage transformers to low.

Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła (Municipal Heat Energy) has joined a nationwide program promoting heat system, i.e. a safe product providing heating and hot water, delivered to multi-family buildings in Polish cities by heating companies.

Enea became the sponsor of Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon - the biggest triathlon event in Poland.
Aug 2018

Enea Operator has signed an agreement on cooperation in removing power grid failures.

At Kozienice Power Plant, the modernization of two power units with a capacity of 560 MW each was started. This is part of Enea Wytwarzanie's activities that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of generating units, at the same time adapting them to the requirements of the IED Directive and the BAT conclusions.

Enea together with the Enea Foundation inaugurated the 2nd edition of the educational project "Enea Talent Academy".

Enea became the sponsor of Enea IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia - one of the most famous triathlon events in Poland.
Sep 2018

Enea Group representatives took part in the XXVIII Economic Forum in Krynica.

As the patron of the project, Enea supported the implementation of the patriotic mural, which appeared on the wall of the School Complex at Theatre street in Piła. The mural depicts images of three statesmen and politicians who left their mark in history in terms of their independence activities.

Enea, as the only representative from the energy industry, participated in the Polish Economic Exhibition, which took place at Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square in Warsaw.

Poland has advanced from the group of developing countries to the prestigious group of developed markets. On September 24, 36 Polish companies debuted on the WSE in the FTSE Russell index. Among them, in the category of small companies, were Enea SA and LW Bogdanka SA. In the FTSE index, Russell Polska has started quotations from position 23 to 25 of all developed capital markets.

Enea became the main sponsor of Poznań Business Run.

Enea became the sponsor of the concert "Gintrowski – something will stay after us" at the Grand Theatre in Poznań.

Enea supported the organization of the 56th Bydgoszcz Music Festival "CONTRASTS - THE INDEPENDENT" at the Pomorskie Philharmonic Society of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Bydgoszcz.

The Enea Foundation supported the organization of the 13th Oratorian Music Festival "Musica Sacromontana Święta Góra".
Oct 2018

Enea won a tender for the third consecutive year and signed a collective purchase agreement for 274 GWh of electricity. Thus, it became an electricity supplier for the city of Poznań, as well as municipalities belonging to the agglomeration.

Work was initiated on the area designated for the construction of the Ostrołęka C Power Plant.

In cooperation with the Poznań University of Technology, the Enea Group launched a pilot program of dual studies.

The Enea Group patronized three important conference events: the 2nd Congress of Innovation in Energetics, Areopag of Renewable Energy and the 3rd International Conference "Development of distributed energy, and the reduction of smog in rural areas". The challenges of the energy industry were discussed, by among others, government representatives and experts, including representatives of the Enea Group.

At the end of October, the second edition of the competition for energy clusters, organized by the Ministry of Energy, was resolved. Among the awarded initiatives was the Leszno Energy Cluster "New energy for Leszno", which includes our Group's companies.

Thanks to the cooperation of Enea and the Voivode of Greater Poland , a unique historical supplement to Greater Poland Voice [Głos Wielkopolski] was created, "Kurjer Powstańczy" [“Uprising Courier”], based on original texts from 1918-1919, supplemented with contemporary commentaries by historians.
Nov 2018

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of regaining Poland's independence on the wall of the building at Aleje Jana Pawła II in Leszno, a mural was made depicting Ignacy Jan Paderewski, and in Gniezno on the facade of Primary School No. 10, a mural depicting the Uhlans of Greater Poland Regiment in Gniezno was unveiled. In addition, Independence banners with images of the Independence Fathers appeared on 155 Enea Operator objects.

Enea actively participated in the Independence Picnic organized by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.

Enea Operator organized a contest of historical knowledge for Employees of the Enea Group on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence.

Enea has prepared a multimedia show "Greater Poland Victory", which is the culminating point of the final of the provincial celebrations of the National Independence Day.

Thanks to Enea's involvement in the Zielona Góra Philharmonic Society, there was a solemn independence concert entitled "Polish Violin Masters".

As of November 30, 2018, Białystok Heat and Power Plant, which until now had been part of Enea Wytwarzanie, became part of Enea Ciepło. Thanks to these transformations, Białystok became an important point on the Group's business map.
Dec 2018

A year has passed since putting unit No. 11 in Enea Wytwarzanie into operation with a capacity of 1 075 MW - the most modern and the most efficient production unit in the Polish power industry.

On the 100th anniversary of the Greater Poland Uprising at the Grand Theatre in Poznań, the premiere of Ignacy Jan Paderewski's opera "Manru" took place.

Enea supported the organization of an open-air concert with elements of a historical spectacle. "Greater Poland people sing Independence. At moments of trying to win".

Enea Operator, as part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Greater Poland Uprising, distributed white and red rosettes to Customers visiting the Customer Service Offices reminding about this event.

The Gniezno Park of Three Cultures has lit thousands of Christmas lights. Illumination in the revitalized park, which was the pride of the city and the park throughout the Christmas and New Year period, was carried out by Enea Oświetlenie.

Enea Elektrownia Połaniec received the title "A friendly place for volunteers" for the promotion and support of activities in the area of Employee volunteering development.