We focus on innovation and broadly understood development. Our activity is appreciated in economic, Client, social, environmental and technological areas.

Amber of Polish Power Industry

The "Amber of Polish Energy" is received by people, companies, institutions or local governments for activities that have contributed in a particular way to the development of Polish energy . The Enea Group was included in the prestigious group of winners. We were appreciated for the successful construction of the new B11 block at Enea Elektrownia Kozienice, and thus for strengthening the country's energy security.

The Silver CSR Leaf of the Leaf

Enea Group was awarded by the Polityka Weekly with the "Silver CSR". The laureates included companies that declare the implementation of all the most important management categories recommended by the ISO 26000 standard, and constantly improve their activities in this area. An important element of their functioning is the ethics management system and the highest Employee management standards, and all the Stakeholders are regularly informed about the effects of their activities.

Organic Work Laureate

Enea received the "Laurel of Organic Work 2018" in the "Partnership formula for building the economy" category. Wawrzyny Organic Work are distinctions awarded by the Greater Poland Union for active contribution to social, economic and cultural development of Greater Poland.  


Enea received the "OscarInno" statuette – the Professor's award for the film about innovation (block B11), during the Innovation People's Gala, part of the II Innovation Congress in Energy 2018.

Jubilee title of "The one who changes the Polish industry"

During the Forum “We are Industry”, Enea and LW Bogdanka were distinguished as companies that in the last two decades have significantly affected and continue to influence positive changes in Polish industry and economy. The companies received the title "Those who change Polish industry". Enea has been recognized for "the rationality of activities such as the consolidation in the energy and fuel sector and investments in modern technologies and conventional powers". Those appreciated, were among others, the Połaniec Power Plant in our Group and putting 1 075 MW unit in Kozienice Power Plant into operation.

"PreQurs" Certificate

Enea Ciepło received the "PreQurs" emission reduction certificate, which is valid not only for the company and the Enea Group, but above all for the residents of Białystok and the Clients of our services. Enea Ciepło, for installations supplying system heat to Customers, received class A and the sign "NE" (I DO NOT EMIT OR NO EMISSION), which means that its activity is free of emissions.

The Sports Patron of the Year

Enea for the special commitment to supporting sports in Greater Poland was honoured with the title of "Sports Patron of the Year".    

The quality mark of the "NO SMOG" series

Enea Ciepło has successfully passed the certification process as part of the System Heat Promotion Program, initiated by the Chamber of Commerce for Polish Heat Engineering. As a result, it received the quality mark of the "NO SMOG" series and was among the companies that produce thermal energy in an ecological way.  

Transparent Company of the Year 2017 as part of the mWIG40 Stock Index

The editorial office of Parkiet for the second time carried out a ranking aimed at selecting the most transparent companies from the three main stock exchange indices. The evaluation included financial reporting and reporting, investor relations and corporate governance principles. Enea received the distinction in the category of "Transparent Company of the Year 2017 from the mWIG40 index".

EkoJanosik - Green Ribbon of Poland 2018

Enea became a laureate and Enea Ciepło received a distinction in the final of the National Ecological Award "EkoJanosik" - Green Ribbon of Poland. The award is granted for lowering the low emission level, for education and for the development of electromobility. The initiative promotes companies and local governments that implement solutions that positively influence the condition of the natural environment and increase the ecological awareness of Poles.

Golden Website of the Issuer

The investor relations service Enea received an award in the competition of the Association of Stock Exchange Issuers entitled "Golden Website of the Issuer" for the high level of the website and the method of communication with Internet users.

Acanthus Aureus

Group Enea received the "Acanthus Aureus" or "Golden Acanthus" for the best stand at the fair EXPOPOWER 2018 in Poznań.

Stambułka Staszowska

Staszowska Chamber of Commerce has awarded Enea Elektrownia Połaniec with the prestigious "Stambulka Staszowska" prize as the company with the greatest influence on the economic development of the region in which it operates.  

The Diploma of the Bronze

Enea Operator received the "Bronze Partner Diploma" awarded by the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT.  

Medals of the President of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers

Enea was awarded two medals by the President of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers for the product Enea Smart - Heating Package and for the connection portal Enea Operator.

friendly place for volunteers

Enea Elektrownia Połaniec received the title "A friendly place for volunteers" for promoting and supporting activities in the area of Employee volunteering development.

Leaders of the Energy World

The Enea Foundation has been awarded the "Leaders of the Energy World" in the category of corporate social responsibility. The award was granted for the help provided by the Enea Foundation to the communities affected by the storm in 2017. It was awarded during the gala during the XXVII EuroPOWER.

Business Gazelles 2017

MEC Piła was among the laureates of the "Business Gazelles 2017" ranking published by the daily Business Puls [Puls Biznesu] daily that presents the most dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises that are well-managed and enjoy good financial success.