
The assumption of the program is to develop an innovative, emission-free delivery vehicle. The project is supported by the National Centre for Research and Development, which since 2017 has been intensively supporting and initiating research and development projects in the field of electromobility in Poland. Enea SA, Energa Operator, PGE Dystrybucja and Tauron Dystrybucja joined the project. The end of the project is scheduled for 2022.E-VAn

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is a program for financing research and innovation in the European Union, whose task is to create a coherent system of financing innovation: ranging from a scientific concept, through a research phase, to the implementation of new solutions, products or technologies. Its budget for 2014-2020 is nearly EUR 80 billion.

As part of the Horizon 2020 program, Enea participates in the international project iDistributedPV, which is to help with the effective integration of solar sources. The project started on 1 September 2017 and its duration is 30 months. It is supported by a European consortium of twelve partners from six European countries: Spain, Germany, Greece, Poland, Lithuania and Italy. The coordinator of the project is APPA (Solar PV Industry Association) from Spain.

The goal of iDistributedPV is to create inexpensive integrated solutions to increase the penetration of dispersed solar cells (e.g. households / larger buildings / park areas) with relation to the successful integration of photovoltaic devices or energy storage.

Fast charging stations for vehicles in Szczecin

Enea Serwis has won an order for design documentation, connection to the power grid and the launch of three new fast charging stations for electric vehicles. The new points will make it possible to supplement the energy level in the range from 0% to 80% of the 24-kilowatt hour battery capacity in less than 30 minutes. Participation in this project is another contribution to initiatives related to electromobility in Poland.

Energy Warehouses - "EnergyStore"

Thanks to co-financing from the National Centre for Research and Development, Enea Operator has the opportunity to carry out projects significant for the development of the energy sector. The National Centre for Research and Development offers a number of programs that support the creation of modern solutions and technologies that increase innovation. One of the programs in which Enea Operator participates is Measure 1.2. Sectoral R & D programs.

As part of the research and development project "Innovative system services of energy storage increasing the quality and efficiency of electricity use", five energy stores connected to low voltage networks using various technologies will be created. The aim of the project is to use energy storage in electricity grids to improve the quality and efficiency of electricity use and to develop a product offer for Customers.

Photovoltaic power plant in Szczecin

The next undertaking of Enea Serwis was the construction of a photovoltaic power plant with estimated power of 420 kW together with power connections. The West Pomeranian Centre of Oncology in Szczecin became the investor. The construction of the power plant was completed in the third quarter of 2018. The power plant was divided into two parts: a free-standing one with electrical power of 404.24 kW and installed on the roof of an administration building with electric power of 18.60 kW.

Photovoltaic power plant in Szczecin

Reduction of electrical energy losses in transformers

The main objective of this pilot project is to develop a calculation algorithm that will facilitate the process of selecting a transformer for the conditions of the actual load in medium voltage stations to low, based on previous measurements. Enea Operator implements this project with the Poznań University of Technology on co-financing by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.