In 2009, we signed the industry's "Declaration on Sustainable Development and Responsible Business", and in 2011 we joined Global Compact - an international UN initiative for corporate social responsibility and supporting sustainable development. Since 2017 we have also been a strategic partner of the Responsible Business Forum.
Membership in the organization allows us to exchange experiences, search for inspiration and new solutions. The diversity of associations to which we belong enables us to draw upon what is most important for our companies.
- Enea Trading is a member of energy sector associations that focus on issues related to the functioning of the industry in a modern market economy. By joining them, the company engages in activities and projects that help the Polish power sector respond better to emerging challenges. The area of the company's involvement is that of topics related to ensuring the security of electricity supply and the development of modern technologies. Joint ventures, including participation in initiatives of the Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC - which is the largest association of the power industry in Europe;
- It is important for Enea Elektrownia Połaniec to join industry associations: the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers of the Tarnobrzeg Branch, the Polish Society of Commerce, and the Polish Electricity Committee. Belonging to them is significant due to the actions taken for the comprehensive development of the energy sector. These associations represent the common interests of energy sector entities. As part of the Polish Society of Commerce , actions are initiated and promoted by technical progress in the energy industry. As part of the Polish Electricity Committee, cooperation and information exchange between specialists from the sub-sectors of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity is maintained;
- Membership in the Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection (IGEiOŚ), gives Enea Wytwarzanie the possibility of direct consultations, among others, in matters related to new legal regulations regarding environmental protection in terms of their compliance with EU directives and international agreements. Together with IGEiOŚ, the company organized a conference in 2018 entitled "Presentation of a new power unit B11 in Enea Elektrownia Kozienice - experience in construction and commissioning", which was attended by over 100 representatives of the energy industry;
- Enea's partnership in the Responsible Business Forum facilitates the exchange of experience, knowledge and building multi-faceted relations between companies that associate with the Forum. In addition, the Responsible Business Forum publishes the "Responsible Business in Poland" report every year. “Good practices" is the largest review of socially responsible business in Poland in a given year. For several years, among the practices described in the Report, there have been many examples of Enea Group's activities. In addition, Enea invites representatives of the Forum to meetings raising the competences of coordinators of Employee volunteering and volunteers;
- The Pollab Polish Research Laboratories Club, which includes the following companies: Enea Pomiary and Enea Wytwarzanie, is a platform for the exchange of information between research and calibration Laboratories. Through the Club, the companies broaden their knowledge and have the opportunity to exchange experiences through participation in training and symposia.
Enea SA
- Chamber of Commerce of Energy and Environmental Protection;
- Polish Electricity Association (PKEE);
- Greater Poland Chamber of Industry and Commerce;
- Polish Committee of the World Energy Council;
- Association of Employers of the Republic of Poland;
- The Energy Trading Society (TOE);
- Responsible Business Forum (FOB);
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company (TUW PZUW).
Enea Wytwarzanie
- Economic Society of Polish Power Plants;
- Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection;
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers Radom Branch;
- Club of Polish Research Laboratories POLLAB;
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Białystok Branch;
- Polish Society of Combined Heat and Power Plants;
- Chamber of Commerce of Polish Heat Engineering;
- Society of Hydroelectric Power Plants;
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Land of Radom;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company (TUW PZUW).
Enea Elektrownia Połaniec
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers Branch Tarnobrzeg;
- Association of Accountants in Poland, District Branch in Kielce;
- Nature Conservation League Kielce District;
- Mutual Insurance Association of Polish Mutual Insurance Company;
- Economic Association of Polish Power Plants;
- Polish Electricity Committee;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Operator
- Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE);
- Partner Club of the University of Economics in Poznań;
- Lubuskie Association for Development of Energetics;
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP);
- EDSO for Smart Gird;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Ciepło
- Chamber of Commerce and Polish Heat Engineering;
- Member of the System Heat Program;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Ciepło - Białystok Heat and Power Plant
- Chamber of Commerce of Polish Heat Engineering;
- Polish Society of Combined Heat and Power Plants;
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Białystok Branch;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Innowacje
- Leszczynski Cluster of Energy "New energy for Leszno";
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Logistyka
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Pomiary
- Club of Polish Research Laboratories POLLAB;
- Mutual Insurance Association of Polish Mutual Insurance Company with its registered office in Warsaw;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Serwis
- Leszczynski Cluster of Energy "New energy for Leszno";
- Association of Electrical Construction Manufacturers and Equipment STELEN;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
Enea Trading
- The Energy Society;
- Polish Electricity Committee;
- European Biomass Association (AEBIOM);
- European Energy Forum (EEF);
- European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET);
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
MEC Piła
- Chamber of Commerce of Northern Greater Poland ;
- Chamber of Commerce of Polish Heat Engineering;
- Association of Polish Electrical Engineers;
- Leszczynski Cluster of Energy "New energy for Leszno";
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.
PEC Oborniki
- Economic Chamber of Polish Heat Engineering;
- Mutual Relationship between Member of the Enea Mutual Insurance Association and the Polish Mutual Insurance Company.